Friday, 25 May 2007

That'd be sweet

1. When you're home alone, do you still
close the door when you go to the

2. If you have to go grocery shopping,
would you rather go alone or with
With someone. It's much more fun to gossip/talk to someone when you're looking for canned tomatoes instead of being alone =P

3. It's your best friends birthday, do
you buy them a gift even if they didn't
get you one?:
Yup. If evry1 thought like that (above), then that person wouldn't get a gift!

4. You win the lottery. Lump sum or
small payments over a period of time?
What then?:

5. Do you like your music loud or at a
reasonable level?:
Pump it up! Especially when I play on my radio

6. Are you a beach person or a snowy
mountain person?:
Snowy beach person? =P hehheh

7. When do you brush your teeth?:
After I wash face, before I apply this & that

8. Can you watch scary movies alone?:
God no

9. Soft bed or firm?:

10. Would you rather stay home all day,
or be out and about with some friends?:

12. Do you like to keep the peace or be
Keep the peace. I'm too much of a - I quote - pushover to confront. Unless they cross the line by a few yards

13. Are you more likely to be with a
large group of people or a few close
Close friends. The number is manipulative =P

14. What are your plans for October?:
No clue

15. If money were not a problem, where
would you like to live?:

16. What is your ideal profession?:
Too idealistic - but on top of the list, a mathemetician

17. Are you close to your Mom and Dad?:

18. What is one fear that you can't
seem to overcome?:
Hmm, can't think of one

20. Do you kiss on a first date?
I'm nowhere there yet

21. Is there anyone that you regret
ever meeting?:

22. Rate your life on a scale from 1 to
Mmmm... 8! I'm satisfied =P

24. Do you like any of your friends a
little more than just a friend?:
... Maybe?

25. Do you like to drive?:
Ah, that answers question 8 (Future)

27. If you found out that you were
going to be a parent, what would you
Head for the earplugs section?

29. A weekend in Las Vegas or Miami?:

30. When you go to the store, do you
have a list or just buy random things?:
Lists are for groceeries

33. You're having a bad day, what's one
thing that can make your day better?:
Vent - ala diary, Minni - music, munchies

34. Tanning bed?:
No way

35. Is there anything you would change
about your body if you could?:
Ban the baby fat!

36. You wake up in an unfamiliar place,
what is your first reaction?:
Aww man, who pushed my bed this time?

37. Is there anything that you should
be doing right now?:

39. What is your favorite breakfast
Too many =P

40. Your phone rings at 4 am, who do
you expect it to be?:
It's probably Jase telling me he's gonna beat me in upcoming swimming meet =P

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