An idiot, that's who.
Anywayz, I just came back from a one-to-one revise session with my dad, I kid you not. A real sit-down-it's-time-to-study-without-the-help-of-technology thing.
It was horrible bcoz what we were studying was far more disturbing than any other subject I have attempted to ace in. It's called...
Seriously. Who's bright idea was it to make us kids study the encyclopedia of our blood land? What have we ever done to you??
Each question my dad tested me on hit me like a punch in the gut (& my brain). Seriously. Questions like, "Where is Banjaran blablabla..."
I couldn't wait to hit the hay but the thoughts inside of me were just buzzing around. So, I thought I could dispose of 'em here =P
Lucky you?
This is bad of me. I've got three subjects lining up with a pitchfork of their own tomorrow - the hardest three subjects in my student year, mind - & here I am, waiting for both the downloads of the Grey's Anatomy & Hairspray trailer via iPod.
Wha-? Hairspray? you ask?

Yea, well. Credits goes to Natasha for being seriously fanatic about it - & no, it has nothing to do with the fact that Zac Efron is once again starring in anoter musical-slash-movie.
It's the fact that the movie is waaay back into time, where people had hair as big as beehives & used quirky phrases like, "the Bees' Knees".
Personally, I like that era too. I mean, I'm a huge fan of swing jazz music!
Plus they all knew the same dances - theoretically, in my mind. Before I watched the trailer, that is - so it was kinda cool to be in a seriously synchronized dance.
& uh, did I mention that the guys would just pour out the charm like maple syrup on pancakes? (God, where did that phrase come up? I seriously need to find new phrases)
So, I'm running out of steam - again - & also bcoz I can hear someone's footsteps getting louder &...
Geesh! Why am I babbling?? Ciao for now!
1 comment:
The bees knees.
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