Sunday, 13 May 2007

Pressure's on

So-o... Long time no write, dearest blog?
Anywayz, no need to see the title that Mid Year's around the corner - well, 5 days away, to be precise.

I'm dead nervous. This is a Mid Year. No more lounging around, now we'd have to crack our skulls open to fit all this info into our brains - 5 months of lessons! In ONE brain!

(Yuckadoodle, I nearly typed out Brian instead of Brain =P)

The pressure's on - parents, families, friends - well, okay, maybe not friends but they keep saying that we're gonna do way better than 'em - are expecting everything from us, the single solitude with the best education money can give.

I honestly think that this is like some sort of package deal for being an adolescent. Why, why, why? Okay, actually, I think we should be thankful instead. Maybe this is like the downer bit of being a teen - I mean, we're not paying bills, insurance & what not.

We're just the ones in the generation with the better music taste, fashion sense - um, excluding me =P - & brimming with talent [cough]. Maybe the studying is just the only negative thing around?

- There I go, blabbering away. I don't get a word I'm saying outta this -

Ah, yes! Today's Mother's Day. Happy Mom's Day to all MOMS!

Though this is a seriously commercialised thing, I still celebrate it for the sake of my mom... & grandmom... & great-grandmom... - & also that Valentine's is way more Hallmark-y than this.

Something was bugging me this whole month & I was wondering what. I finally found out what was bugging me all this while.


=P Hehe, don't think it had to do with some guy admitting undying passion for me or something equally fictional. Bcoz, seriously, it's never gonna happen.

Oh, since I've managed to trail off to the guy topic, lets talk bout yesterday, shall we?
Yesterday, I had a mui deep convo with a certain bear about - yes, you can guess - GUYS.
Or at least the lack thereof.

(For us, dear butterfly. You're just the charming, lucky one =P)

Aley thinks that I'm - I quote - very socialised & lucky bcoz I know so many guys (e.g. Allary/McFlutey, McCellist, Jase) more than her & also, guys prefer me to her.

Which is NOT true. Sheesh.

I've just concluded myself that I'm single & lonely.
Sori, very single & lonely.

Hopeless romantic, though I may be, it is just a very unuseful trait if I've got no victim to use this power on.

Haha, power... Where is Aminah & her fellow Bucket Fans? =P

Reminds me - again - Aminah is soooo loooooneellyyyy.

Man, I'm babbling on & on & on. This is my way of stalling from studying the horrific GEO.
Bahh, I don't see what we're gonna get outta that subject - all we know is where that mountain is or what's the good of mankind activities doing to nature.

I'm not even aiming for that field!! Okay, charitywork, maybe. But not all that environmental-chemistry-whatever stuff.

Okay, I'm running out of steam. I think I better publish this post before my mom bursts in & gives me a nag so long that she'll give the top runner of the world a run for his own money.


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