Tuesday, 6 March 2007

"My Autobiography"

Okay, I'm officially glued to Friendster. Really. It's a little too addictive but it's fun!
Hmm... Interesting post on the public bulletin board. Okay, I'm going to post it here, in the blog:

Fill this out IN YOUR OWN
WORDS and repost as,"My autobiography"


1.Where did you take your default pic?
= "Take"? Um... I don't like taking my pics. Prefer Googling 'em.

2.What exactly are you wearing right
= A sundress =P Let's just keep it a little secret, shall we?

3.What is your current problem?
= Short attention span & low on self-esteem.

4.What makes you most happy?
= Hanging out with my friends =D

5.What's the name of the song that
you're listening to?
= Try too Hard by Teddy Geiger

6.Has anyone close to you died
= Nope

7.Do you ever watch mtv ?
= Uh... No.

8.Whats something that really annoys
= People saying that I like this guy & that when I don't like anyone


Chapter 1 :

1. Middle name :
No middle name. Born with a first name & a last.

2. Nickname(s):
Where to start, where to start... Um... Shah shah (only for girls), Aish, Aishahshishoo, Gadget Girl, Sloth

3. Current location :
Malaysia, the serene =P

4. Eye color :
Dark, dark, dark, dark brown

Chapter 2 :

1. Do you live with your parents ?

2. Do you get along with your parent
As long as we're not talking about boys or my grades...

3. Are your parents
married/separated/divorced ?

4. Do you have any Siblings ?
Only child... & Loving it!

Chapter 3 : Favorite...

1. Ice Cream
EVERYTHING!! But the top of my list is Cookies&Cream... Mmm...

2. Season
Winter <3

Chapter 4 : Do You..

1.Write on your hand
My hand's like a second piece of paper =P

2.Call people back
One of the reasons why my phone bills' sky high

3.Believe in love
When it doesn't include me

4.Sleep on a certain side of the bed ?
Yea. The edge =P I never fall of, though

5.Have any bad habits ?
Tons =P

Chapter 5 : Have You...

1.Broken a bone
My funny bone! (haha =P)

2.Sprained stuff
In attempt of "dancing"

3.Had mentally therapy
Um... Online =P

4.Gotten stitches
Yup. When I was four. Still got the scar on my forehead =P Stupid big slippers.

5.Taken painkillers
Definitely. Right after being on the phone with Minah... JK!!

6.Gone SCUBA diving or snorkeling
Snorkeling =D

7.Been stung by a bee
More like bitten by an ant

8.Thrown up at the dentist
More like thrown a tantrum

9.Sworn in front of your parents
No. I'm a very innocent girl. (You can stop laughing now)

10.Had detention
Just stupid RPP. No pink slip.

11.Been sent to the principal's office
I cried when I was the last kid at school one day. My dad forgot to pick me up -_-" Hellooo handphone privilleges!


Chaper 6 : Who/What was the last

1. Movie(s)
Fantastic 4 (a quarter of it -_-")

2. Person to text you
[sniff sniff] How the heck am I supposed to remember?!?! That's practically a week ago!!

3.Person you called
My mom. To remind them that they have a child waiting at the piano studio.

4.Person you hugged?
My mom -_-" After receiving the book.

5.Person you tickled
Tch. I don't do "tickles"

6.Thing you touched
My keyboard. What else is there?

7.Thing you ate
A muffin (there goes my diet)

8.Thing you drank
Water. Plain water.

The end! That concludes one interesting post on the public bulletin board! I shall return with loads more!!!!
Haha, don't run away please.


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