Friday, 23 February 2007

Paranoias & more thoughts

Well, well. It seems that today loads have happened.
Where to start, where to start?

Lets go from the morning.
Yesterday I was eating tons of chocolates so, here I am with Colgate smeared practically all over my face - yes, I do believe in the whole toothpaste-a.k.a.-zit zapper thing. We all have a unique belief.
& okay, the fact that I stayed up till midnight wasn't helping much either.

Anywayz, guess what happened? My mother dragged me for the annual 5-months haircut!!! & her friend, A. Tina, tagged along (uninvited, I might like to add) to see me suffer.

You're probably going all, "Pfft. Just a haircut. What's up with her?" but do not laugh when you read the next sentence.
I have a fear of haircuts.

Well, okay, not a fear. More of... Self-conscious?
Childhood problems, okay?
I had this big fit when this guy came over & snipped off my hair. I was five, you can't blame me of being afraid of a guy who suddenly comes up behind you & cut off your hair.

So, it wasn't that bad. I dread when the woman washed my hair, though.
I don't like it when they wash my hair. They always just scrub your ear for you, & you'd get neck cramps.

Then, this guy just came over & told me on how this haircut would "suit me".
Right. I look like a DANG oversized KID.

Well... a younger oversized kid.
With layered hair.
Shaped like an umbrella.


So let's see the total?
Evil breakouts + umbrella haircut = ...?
Ha Ha.

But after my haircut, my mom & A. Tina decided to do a little shopping at BV - shoe-shopping.
So, I finished the book I last mentioned.
You know, The Earth, My Butt & other BIG round things?
I finished it.

It was quite interesting & got me thinking... Again.
That there's more to life than your "soulmate".

If I had to pick a vacation destination to represent that book, I'd say Africa.
It shows about how there are people out there going through peer pressure, & showing you how to control your life, instead of letting the others telling you what's right & what's not.
Seriously. That book just gave me a knock on the head, yelling "WAKE UP! WAKE UP!"
Definite A+ book =)

After that, went to an open house. Can't elaborate on the details there in fear of fraternal wrath (yea, I quote from Meg Cabot).
Oh, & just wanna quickly add. After that party, I totally gave up on Guy ABC.
No, for real now.
If I've liked that guy once & the feelings aren't mutual, what hope is there for me anymore?

& don't tell me stuff about faith, hope & pixie dust.
Because I have just drank 2 glasses of Iced Coffee, Colgate on my face & a stinkin' umbrella-shaped hair permanently placed on my head.

That's all for now. Ta!


1 comment:

Aminah said...

It's Aminah.

(who else would come up with a name like 'lifeisso..'

std 5 lahkay.

She looks so cute =)

Oh shit,
I'm dead,