Welcome to my NEW blog! Haha, here's a pic u can enjoy looking at. I call it The elegant, intellectual sloth
It seems that my blog has been misplaced so I have no choice but to make a new one & delete the old.
Harsh, isn't it? I mean, isn't that the world's motto?
Keep the new, throw the old?
I don't think so. But it seems like it.
Anywayz, all my memories of the 04, 05, 06 year has gone out the window. But I guess that's good. I'm kinda spooked out by my IT teacher's lecture on the whole you're not alone thing & my old blog was kinda too detailed.
My goal this year?
Get back my old friends & still keep the new ones.
I tried it today. Armand came online & I started talking with him.
He was nice... Until he asked me who I was.
Hey, I just realised something. I'm only to guys.
Where's all the girls?
Okay, never mind... I am waiting for my Korean drama. Heard of it?
Fireworks. It's quite good, you know, if you're into the whole fate&destiny love story thing.
Which I totally am.
So, there you have it! My neww blog =)
Great. Not only do I this blog to maintain, there is also the class one.
Whoopee! =P Haha, & the guys are all scared that Ash & I'd turn it too feminine.
Please. We are far from feminine.
Even if it is an origin from our gender.
That's all for now, I guess!
Ciao! =P
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