Okay, to those who are in the wicked Wicked - har har, pardon the extremely lame pun - production, pls don't groan. I mean, c'mon, admit it.
This song is fantastic.
Speaking of fantastic, I just watched Fantastic 4 : The rise of the silver surfer today.
It was okay, nothing to yell about. A pretty entertaining movie.
I could've enjoyed it more if it wasn't for that gross old guy who kept burping in front of us - & no, I ain't talking about those loud, distracting kinds.
I'm talking about those silent kinds that you wouldn't hear but you know it'd exist thanks to the disgusting foul smell which gives the victims - a.k.a. my parents & I - a clue on what the said person had for lunch.
Yes. Ick.
Anywayz... It was okay lahh. Like I said, nothing to yell about.
Favourite part : When Johnny burned that bridal bouqet just when his girlfriend was about to catch it =P
Hmm... Oh yea!
Dancing through life
That song is AWESOME.
& no, it's not because Fiyero-slash-Jes-dude is singing it - & um, no, not bcoz that really tall Boq fella is singing it either.
Noooo, I've got 2 sane reasons :
1. It's nice
2. (Original) Fiyero sounds nice =P
There are 3-4 scenes in this 7 minute long song but I'm attracted to 2 particular scenes & one particular line.
The said line is the one sung by Fiyero :
Life's more painless,
For the brainless
Don't worry. I'm not gonna spoil much of the musical.
I just must tell you the scenes.
Scene one:
G(a)linda : See that tragically beautiful girl? The one in the chair? I know someone would be my hero if that someone were to invite her
So... Well, I'm not gonna go into detail but technically, this guy, Boq, asks this girl, Ms Popularity out (aka Galinda) but... Well, see the sentence above.
Boq : Uh... Nessa? Nessa? I've got something to confess a reason why I asked you out here tonight. Now I know it isn't fair
Nessa : Oh, Boq. I know why... It's because I'm in this chair & you felt sorry for me... Well, isn't that right?
Boq : No! No... It's because... Uh, because... It's because you look so beautiful!
Nessa : Oh, Boq. I think you're wonderful. & we deserve each other. Don't you see this is our chance. We deserve each other. Don't we, Boq?
Boq : You know what? Lets dance
Waaaahhhhh!!!! It's sooo goood =)
It's just so hard to imagine that tall fella singing to Veronica =P
But I like it! I mean, there's these 2 love triangles going on here. I'm focusing on one of it.
I keep, you know, feeling so frustrated with it. Like, why didn't Boq just fall in love with Nessa instead of stupid ol' Glinda?
Or why didn't he just find her a different guy if she was so beautiful?
& why was it such a big deal that she's in a wheelchair?? She's still normal, right?
But it was so nice of Boq...
Hehe. I love this song!!
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