Friday, 1 June 2007

Anti-socialness strikes again

Seriously. I mean, bcoz of anti-socialness, I am so not active in my extra-corricular activities.

I know that's a pretty lame excuse but it's the truest one.
The only witness for my verdict here is Brian but um, he doesn't know he witnessed anything.

I have it in proof - in my SNP. See, I was supposed to join handball but I kept boffing off the practises bcoz there were only like these form 2, 3, 4... In other words, the social ones.

I, as you may know, am truly not a social person.
I'm a SHY person. Shy people aren't all that outgoing.

Hence, shy.

So anywayz, tomorrow is my first-ever Wicked practise. & I was bouncing up & down, bcoz u know I finally get to o something during the hols, see?

But then I stopped hop-hoppity-hop after Brandon, Marleena & Amanda telling me that they're not going bcoz of something Lavinia said (only form 4 & 5). I mean, seriously.

Do you know there are no non-Cempakans (F1) there?? I'm like the only one!

Let alone the ONLY form 1 there!

& anti-socialness strikes again.

My insides are feeling all squirmish at the mere thought that I'm left outside the form 4&5 circle.


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