Aley & Minni's sad =(
Jase's plain moody - I dunno why!
Seal 2's sad =(
Brandon's lonely (okay, I'm running out of ppl)
Midget's - uh, Zack's - still.. Well, he's still a Midget to me
Seriously. You people...
It's as if I'm the only carefree one around!
I can understand Aley, Minni, Seal 2...
But why's Jase so moody??
I mean, it's weird.
Today when he came over with Midget, he wasn't smiling alot.
Just, you know, smiling at times.
Watched a cartoon show - dum de dum, Garfield in celebration of his birthday! - & munched on snacks.
Oddly, I had to share with Midget bcoz Jase didn't look like he had the mood to share food.
See? He was in such a bad mood that he needed more food to comfort him.
Went to my room & talked, chit chat.
Discovred that Blondie's on vacation so Midget's off now.
That lousy guy nearly stole my PHOTOS!
I should keep it in a safe or something.
I swear, how can ppl recognize another person from the back when all they saw was the person's face the last time they glimpsed at said person?
& when Midget went into the toilet, I was lying on the bed next to Jase, feet on my study chair.
Usually we'd be singing a random silly song while Midget plays guitar but then Jase looked moody - mentioned - so we didn't.
It's so... Sad..
Oh well... That's all for now!
Thursday, 21 June 2007
Monday, 18 June 2007
Dancing through Life

Okay, to those who are in the wicked Wicked - har har, pardon the extremely lame pun - production, pls don't groan. I mean, c'mon, admit it.
This song is fantastic.
Speaking of fantastic, I just watched Fantastic 4 : The rise of the silver surfer today.
It was okay, nothing to yell about. A pretty entertaining movie.
I could've enjoyed it more if it wasn't for that gross old guy who kept burping in front of us - & no, I ain't talking about those loud, distracting kinds.
I'm talking about those silent kinds that you wouldn't hear but you know it'd exist thanks to the disgusting foul smell which gives the victims - a.k.a. my parents & I - a clue on what the said person had for lunch.
Yes. Ick.
Anywayz... It was okay lahh. Like I said, nothing to yell about.
Favourite part : When Johnny burned that bridal bouqet just when his girlfriend was about to catch it =P
Hmm... Oh yea!
Dancing through life
That song is AWESOME.
& no, it's not because Fiyero-slash-Jes-dude is singing it - & um, no, not bcoz that really tall Boq fella is singing it either.
Noooo, I've got 2 sane reasons :
1. It's nice
2. (Original) Fiyero sounds nice =P
There are 3-4 scenes in this 7 minute long song but I'm attracted to 2 particular scenes & one particular line.
The said line is the one sung by Fiyero :
Life's more painless,
For the brainless
Don't worry. I'm not gonna spoil much of the musical.
I just must tell you the scenes.
Scene one:
G(a)linda : See that tragically beautiful girl? The one in the chair? I know someone would be my hero if that someone were to invite her
So... Well, I'm not gonna go into detail but technically, this guy, Boq, asks this girl, Ms Popularity out (aka Galinda) but... Well, see the sentence above.
Boq : Uh... Nessa? Nessa? I've got something to confess a reason why I asked you out here tonight. Now I know it isn't fair
Nessa : Oh, Boq. I know why... It's because I'm in this chair & you felt sorry for me... Well, isn't that right?
Boq : No! No... It's because... Uh, because... It's because you look so beautiful!
Nessa : Oh, Boq. I think you're wonderful. & we deserve each other. Don't you see this is our chance. We deserve each other. Don't we, Boq?
Boq : You know what? Lets dance
Waaaahhhhh!!!! It's sooo goood =)
It's just so hard to imagine that tall fella singing to Veronica =P
But I like it! I mean, there's these 2 love triangles going on here. I'm focusing on one of it.
I keep, you know, feeling so frustrated with it. Like, why didn't Boq just fall in love with Nessa instead of stupid ol' Glinda?
Or why didn't he just find her a different guy if she was so beautiful?
& why was it such a big deal that she's in a wheelchair?? She's still normal, right?
But it was so nice of Boq...
Hehe. I love this song!!
Tuesday, 12 June 2007
This is officially my shortest post ever.
Anywayz, I shall be updating my School Daze as it looks so sad at the bottom of my updated blogs' list.
Sooo... The stuff I did about at Cheras & all 'zat... Check out my School Daze blog!
Go here ------->
Anywayz, I shall be updating my School Daze as it looks so sad at the bottom of my updated blogs' list.
Sooo... The stuff I did about at Cheras & all 'zat... Check out my School Daze blog!
Go here ------->
Thursday, 7 June 2007
Turn on/offs
Turn on/offs for guys and girls
Turn ons or turn offs
Is taller than you
:: on
is shorter than you
:: off =P
wears braces
:: don't mind
dresses preppy
:: in between
dresses punk
:: sure
has blue eyes
:: on
has green eyes
:: on
has hazel eyes
:: on
has brown eyes
:: on
ear pierced
:: one ear's the max
drinks alcohol
:: off
:: off
has a car
:: on
plays sports
:: i don't mind
Heyy... whyzit so short?? =P
Turn ons or turn offs
Is taller than you
:: on
is shorter than you
:: off =P
wears braces
:: don't mind
dresses preppy
:: in between
dresses punk
:: sure
has blue eyes
:: on
has green eyes
:: on
has hazel eyes
:: on
has brown eyes
:: on
ear pierced
:: one ear's the max
drinks alcohol
:: off
:: off
has a car
:: on
plays sports
:: i don't mind
Heyy... whyzit so short?? =P
That's all I can say to you readers out there.
I am stunned. So stunned that I'm thinking of typing a max of 4 words per sentence.
Starting... Now.
I saw something. Something scarring.
Something that stunned me.
Shall I explain? Someone viewed my Friendster.
Her top 6 friends... Some dude, some girl. Then came the worst.
My arch-nemesis. (Sabrina & Aley knows)
My arch-nemesis has friendster.
Saw arch-nemesis's bro. AKA arch-nemesis 2.
Gape. Stun. Shun. Blink. Slap face silly.
Blink again.
Arch-nemesis 2 looks... Good.
Ew, ew, ew, ew.
Ew, ew, ew, ew.
He was decent-looking. Unbelievable.
Somebody. Knock my head back.
That's all I can say to you readers out there.
I am stunned. So stunned that I'm thinking of typing a max of 4 words per sentence.
Starting... Now.
I saw something. Something scarring.
Something that stunned me.
Shall I explain? Someone viewed my Friendster.
Her top 6 friends... Some dude, some girl. Then came the worst.
My arch-nemesis. (Sabrina & Aley knows)
My arch-nemesis has friendster.
Saw arch-nemesis's bro. AKA arch-nemesis 2.
Gape. Stun. Shun. Blink. Slap face silly.
Blink again.
Arch-nemesis 2 looks... Good.
Ew, ew, ew, ew.
Ew, ew, ew, ew.
He was decent-looking. Unbelievable.
Somebody. Knock my head back.
Wednesday, 6 June 2007
What's happening
to me?? Seriously.
Lately, all I've been doing is acting stupid... In front of guys.
& sure, I know, I always kinda act stupid when neccessary but those said times? Not neccessary.
Since when did I care what people think???? Especially guys.
I mean, c'mon. I'm talking about me here. The Aishah N who thought that guys were really made out of dirt & worms (which, come to think of it, explains why I always cried whenever they come near or something).
The one who thought that guys are our enemies.
So why am I always blushing around here????? BWARGH!!!
When did I realise this madness? Simple. A few hours ago, I was hanging around at Alamanda, a mall at Putrajaya with my mom, grandmom, great-grandmom.
Two incidents happen.
Incident 1 : Foodcourt
Simple. I was just hanging around, wondering where my mom & grandmom were - I was taking care of my great-gran - & then I noticed this guy at a table near mine playing with his kid sister.
& then I was thinking, 'Hmm... Is he my age?'
SERIOUSLY. That was strike one.
So I set myself up & was set determined not to, you know, think about that guy. So, I just gazed at space & realised that I was staring at some other guy who was decent-looking & he smiled at me.
Well, okay, maybe not at me. Maybe it was because I was wearing a beanie, here in Malaysia.
But whatever. It's the thought that counts, right?
Anyway, he just smiled at me & I LOOKED AWAY.
It wasn't the fact that, you know, I did not smile back & that must've been totally rude but my friend - [cough] friend, the Flirt-o Guru (ahhh, you already know who this is by now) - told me that under any circumstances, I should never, EVER smile at a guy who's smiling at myself.
Was it my fault I did not smile back?
That was just the beginning...
Incident 2 : Supermarket
This time I was stuck with Grandmom. She was grocery shopping for her cafe - yes, cafe - & she stocked up on all this chicken into the trolley that I was pushing.
While I was waiting for her to finish this chore of stocking chicken into the trolley, I saw some other guy - who was way more decent-looking than the other - looking at me.
This time, I smiled - you know, I wasn't doing anything wrong. I was giving the I'm-suffering-with-grandmom-stocking-chicken-&-I'm-the-one-who's-going-to-be-pushing-this-stuff-so-HELP-ME smile.
See? Innocent.
& he smiled back.
Then I was thinking he was my age & he had really broad shoulders - broader than Brian's, I swear - & taller - than Brian, again. Hey waitasec... Why am I comparing everything with HIM???? =.=" - & waaaaaaay better looking than Brian (cough. Plainly)
& my grandmom dragged me away from him - erm, I meant from the spot - & I had to push that trolley, struggling & maybe panting.
Who knew chicken could be so heavy?
My grandmom was still at the grocery-shopping frenzy & I was lagging way behind, thanks to the unneccessary weight of the heavy chicken, cans of oil & Coke Light.
So I lost her.
I had to push that stupid trolley everywhere - & I do mean everywhere - to search for her. & again, I must remind you that that trolley was filled with CHICKEN - like 7 packets of it, no joke - cans of oil & once again, I must mention, Coke Light.
There were so many people there at Carefour that I couldn't spot my grandmom, which was ironic because it was hard to miss her - literally. She's either being the friendly granny with everyone & also because of her odd choice of clothing (blue veil with hot pink pants).
& in my rush of chasing ala kelam kabut style, guess who I crashed into? (I mean, literally crashed into. The trolleys went BAM!)
Broad, tall dude I saw at the chicken counter pushing the trolley behind his mom.
We smiled. You know, for a reasonably long time in the period of smiling-at-strangers thing.
Then his mom called & he shrugged (like saying What to do?) & went off.
BAHHHH!!! Why'd I care?? I'd never see the guy again anyway =.="""
PS: I wrote this in the evening
Lately, all I've been doing is acting stupid... In front of guys.
& sure, I know, I always kinda act stupid when neccessary but those said times? Not neccessary.
Since when did I care what people think???? Especially guys.
I mean, c'mon. I'm talking about me here. The Aishah N who thought that guys were really made out of dirt & worms (which, come to think of it, explains why I always cried whenever they come near or something).
The one who thought that guys are our enemies.
So why am I always blushing around here????? BWARGH!!!
When did I realise this madness? Simple. A few hours ago, I was hanging around at Alamanda, a mall at Putrajaya with my mom, grandmom, great-grandmom.
Two incidents happen.
Incident 1 : Foodcourt
Simple. I was just hanging around, wondering where my mom & grandmom were - I was taking care of my great-gran - & then I noticed this guy at a table near mine playing with his kid sister.
& then I was thinking, 'Hmm... Is he my age?'
SERIOUSLY. That was strike one.
So I set myself up & was set determined not to, you know, think about that guy. So, I just gazed at space & realised that I was staring at some other guy who was decent-looking & he smiled at me.
Well, okay, maybe not at me. Maybe it was because I was wearing a beanie, here in Malaysia.
But whatever. It's the thought that counts, right?
Anyway, he just smiled at me & I LOOKED AWAY.
It wasn't the fact that, you know, I did not smile back & that must've been totally rude but my friend - [cough] friend, the Flirt-o Guru (ahhh, you already know who this is by now) - told me that under any circumstances, I should never, EVER smile at a guy who's smiling at myself.
Was it my fault I did not smile back?
That was just the beginning...
Incident 2 : Supermarket
This time I was stuck with Grandmom. She was grocery shopping for her cafe - yes, cafe - & she stocked up on all this chicken into the trolley that I was pushing.
While I was waiting for her to finish this chore of stocking chicken into the trolley, I saw some other guy - who was way more decent-looking than the other - looking at me.
This time, I smiled - you know, I wasn't doing anything wrong. I was giving the I'm-suffering-with-grandmom-stocking-chicken-&-I'm-the-one-who's-going-to-be-pushing-this-stuff-so-HELP-ME smile.
See? Innocent.
& he smiled back.
Then I was thinking he was my age & he had really broad shoulders - broader than Brian's, I swear - & taller - than Brian, again. Hey waitasec... Why am I comparing everything with HIM???? =.=" - & waaaaaaay better looking than Brian (cough. Plainly)
& my grandmom dragged me away from him - erm, I meant from the spot - & I had to push that trolley, struggling & maybe panting.
Who knew chicken could be so heavy?
My grandmom was still at the grocery-shopping frenzy & I was lagging way behind, thanks to the unneccessary weight of the heavy chicken, cans of oil & Coke Light.
So I lost her.
I had to push that stupid trolley everywhere - & I do mean everywhere - to search for her. & again, I must remind you that that trolley was filled with CHICKEN - like 7 packets of it, no joke - cans of oil & once again, I must mention, Coke Light.
There were so many people there at Carefour that I couldn't spot my grandmom, which was ironic because it was hard to miss her - literally. She's either being the friendly granny with everyone & also because of her odd choice of clothing (blue veil with hot pink pants).
& in my rush of chasing ala kelam kabut style, guess who I crashed into? (I mean, literally crashed into. The trolleys went BAM!)
Broad, tall dude I saw at the chicken counter pushing the trolley behind his mom.
We smiled. You know, for a reasonably long time in the period of smiling-at-strangers thing.
Then his mom called & he shrugged (like saying What to do?) & went off.
BAHHHH!!! Why'd I care?? I'd never see the guy again anyway =.="""
PS: I wrote this in the evening
Monday, 4 June 2007
I'm bored.
[thirty-nine secrets about yourself.]
[be honest no matter what.]
[one] what is your natural hair color?
Black but for some weird reason when I'm in the sun, it turns into this reddish brown.
[two] where was your default picture
The car =P
[three] what's your middle name?
Don't have one
[four] your current relationship
[five] does your crush like you back?
No (steady) crush
[six] what is your current mood?
Laughing (watching That 70's Show)
[seven] what color underwear are you
[eight] what makes you happy?
Friends, shows (like That 70's show) =P
[ten] if you could go back in time and
change something, what you would
Hmm... Re-write my stories?
[eleven] if you must be an animal for
one day, what would you be?
Striped cat of the rarest =D
[twelve] ever had a near death
[thirteen] something you do a lot?
[fourteen] the song stuck in your head?
None - I'm watching That 70's show
[fifteen] who did you copy and paste
this from?
[sixteen] name someone with the same
birthday as you?
I don't know!! =(
[seventeen] when was the last time you
On a Friday
[eighteen] have you ever sung in front
of a large audience?
[nineteen] if you could have one super
power what would it be?
[twenty-one] what do you usually order
from starbucks?
Vanilla ice blended
[twenty-two] what's your biggest
Nice try =P
[twenty-three] favorite color?
[twenty-four] when was the last time
Just now
[twenty-five] do you still watch kiddy
movies or tv shows?
twenty-six] what are you eating or
drinking at the moment?
[twenty-seven] do you speak any other
language? if so, what?
Malay, English (obviously) & a leetle bit of Korean =)
[twenty-eight] what's your favorite
Sweet rose
[twenty-nine] if you could describe
life in one word what would it be?
[thirty] when was the last time you
gave/received a hug?
Few hours ago
[thirty-one] have you ever been kissed
in the rain?
[thirty-two] what are you thinking
right now?
"Ew! How can that head be cut off so smoothly??" (CSI-athon)
[thirty-three] what should you be
My homework, cleaning up my room, finding my phone, organising the choir scores... Need I go on?
[thirty-four] what was the last thing
that made you upset/angry?
[thirty-five] how often do you pray?
[thirty-six] do you like working in the
No yard
[thirty-seven] if you could have any
last name in the world, what would you
I'm happy
[thirty-eight] do you act differently
around your crush?
Hah, I act differently around the opposite sex who I'm not close to
[thirty-nine] name one song that
you of an ex?
No ex
[thirty-nine secrets about yourself.]
[be honest no matter what.]
[one] what is your natural hair color?
Black but for some weird reason when I'm in the sun, it turns into this reddish brown.
[two] where was your default picture
The car =P
[three] what's your middle name?
Don't have one
[four] your current relationship
[five] does your crush like you back?
No (steady) crush
[six] what is your current mood?
Laughing (watching That 70's Show)
[seven] what color underwear are you
[eight] what makes you happy?
Friends, shows (like That 70's show) =P
[ten] if you could go back in time and
change something, what you would
Hmm... Re-write my stories?
[eleven] if you must be an animal for
one day, what would you be?
Striped cat of the rarest =D
[twelve] ever had a near death
[thirteen] something you do a lot?
[fourteen] the song stuck in your head?
None - I'm watching That 70's show
[fifteen] who did you copy and paste
this from?
[sixteen] name someone with the same
birthday as you?
I don't know!! =(
[seventeen] when was the last time you
On a Friday
[eighteen] have you ever sung in front
of a large audience?
[nineteen] if you could have one super
power what would it be?
[twenty-one] what do you usually order
from starbucks?
Vanilla ice blended
[twenty-two] what's your biggest
Nice try =P
[twenty-three] favorite color?
[twenty-four] when was the last time
Just now
[twenty-five] do you still watch kiddy
movies or tv shows?
twenty-six] what are you eating or
drinking at the moment?
[twenty-seven] do you speak any other
language? if so, what?
Malay, English (obviously) & a leetle bit of Korean =)
[twenty-eight] what's your favorite
Sweet rose
[twenty-nine] if you could describe
life in one word what would it be?
[thirty] when was the last time you
gave/received a hug?
Few hours ago
[thirty-one] have you ever been kissed
in the rain?
[thirty-two] what are you thinking
right now?
"Ew! How can that head be cut off so smoothly??" (CSI-athon)
[thirty-three] what should you be
My homework, cleaning up my room, finding my phone, organising the choir scores... Need I go on?
[thirty-four] what was the last thing
that made you upset/angry?
[thirty-five] how often do you pray?
[thirty-six] do you like working in the
No yard
[thirty-seven] if you could have any
last name in the world, what would you
I'm happy
[thirty-eight] do you act differently
around your crush?
Hah, I act differently around the opposite sex who I'm not close to
[thirty-nine] name one song that
you of an ex?
No ex
Yes, yes. First it was 'AAAAAA!!!!', then was 'Ngh' - well, okay, it still is - & now...
Why Wargh! ?
Well, I blame Manga. I mean, yes, the Japanese plots are always good - keeps the readers on edge, I'm on your side.
But seriously.
Anime/Manga endings are never satisfying!!
When did I first experience this feeling? Oh, I dunno. When I was hooked onto PARADISE KISS.
Yea, that's right. You storywriters of said story look all guilty =.=
That's payback for keeping us TV-viewers biting our fingernails & when finally the story's going the way we want it, it just blows in our face & whoops!, there goes the credits & the two big, fat words THE END just appear on the screen.
Ngh. Yes, I am angry.
I just finished reading the last book of this latest manga series I got hooked onto two weeks ago, Hot Gimmick & the ending's so...
WARGH!!!!!! I'm gonna hunt Baonnie down for the TV series.
I mean, first Paradise Kiss. Now, THIS.
& I remembered the excruciating notorious trademark of the Japanese teen soaps (ala Manga & Anime) which is... TRAGEDY. There is no satisfying ending whatsoever & it goes totally unexpected & just leaves you thinking, "Wait! What about him???" or "That's it?!" or maybe even "She's supposed to go with HIM!!!", leaving you screaming into a pillow.
& yea, I'd understand if there's like a sequel like Grey's Anatomy, where the ending just hangs till the next & it continues...
But nooooo, this? This is like THE END, & laughing, "Muahahhaha, you spent 78 bucks on the series & this is the ending you get! Har har har har har!"
See? I'm so annoyed that I'm speaking rubbish!! BWARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!
The unsatisfied,
Why Wargh! ?
Well, I blame Manga. I mean, yes, the Japanese plots are always good - keeps the readers on edge, I'm on your side.
But seriously.
Anime/Manga endings are never satisfying!!
When did I first experience this feeling? Oh, I dunno. When I was hooked onto PARADISE KISS.
Yea, that's right. You storywriters of said story look all guilty =.=
That's payback for keeping us TV-viewers biting our fingernails & when finally the story's going the way we want it, it just blows in our face & whoops!, there goes the credits & the two big, fat words THE END just appear on the screen.
Ngh. Yes, I am angry.
I just finished reading the last book of this latest manga series I got hooked onto two weeks ago, Hot Gimmick & the ending's so...
WARGH!!!!!! I'm gonna hunt Baonnie down for the TV series.
I mean, first Paradise Kiss. Now, THIS.
& I remembered the excruciating notorious trademark of the Japanese teen soaps (ala Manga & Anime) which is... TRAGEDY. There is no satisfying ending whatsoever & it goes totally unexpected & just leaves you thinking, "Wait! What about him???" or "That's it?!" or maybe even "She's supposed to go with HIM!!!", leaving you screaming into a pillow.
& yea, I'd understand if there's like a sequel like Grey's Anatomy, where the ending just hangs till the next & it continues...
But nooooo, this? This is like THE END, & laughing, "Muahahhaha, you spent 78 bucks on the series & this is the ending you get! Har har har har har!"
See? I'm so annoyed that I'm speaking rubbish!! BWARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!
The unsatisfied,
Saturday, 2 June 2007
Rain on me
1. songs you've been most singing to
yourself recently?
- Kaer - Izin Ku Pergi
2.What do you currently want right now?
- The last 2 books of Hot Gimmick!!
3. What did you do today?
- Went marathon crazy (Star Wars Marathon & the Spongebobathon)
4. Are you hungry? What would you like?
- I don't know!!! I crave... A MEAL
5.What have you been thinking about
most today?
- How could Anakin turn into a MOUTH BREATHER??!!?!
6. Do you ever just sit outside and
watch the stars?
- Through the car windows. Venus was the only shining thing & it was so... Beautiful
7. Do you do a lot of surveys? Why?
- Well, gee. The holidays' law clearly state that we're not suppoed to do anything productive
8. What is your current annoyance?
- My stomach =.="
9. Do you want a new cell phone?
- Yup
10.Are you waiting for someone right
- To call me
11. What time are you going to bed?
- Depends
12. Name one thing you're looking
forward to this week?
- Nothing
13. Are you planning on visiting some
old friends?
- Nope
14. Can you make new friends easily?
- Not really =S
15. What would you do if your best
friend turned gay?
- Well, if that's what said person wants...
16. Do you plan out what you
wear the day before you wear it?
- If it's special occasions, then yea
17. Has anyone ever told
you "You dropped your pocket", and you
looked down looking for it?
- Haha, I should remember that =P
18. What is music to you?
- Without it, world's already black&white
19. What do you think of the person whom
you are
with now?
- No one's here
20. If you had a chance to save
someone significant to you, would you?
[even if its the same result that,
they'll forget you]
- Sure. I just wanna know how things'd be if I'd done it
21. How many times do you eat each
- Does this include the snackage?
22. How do you cheer someone up?
- Goofy faces first, young padawan =)
23. Are you a morning person?
- Well, I'm more of an evening person. I mean, if you woke me up for jogging (ngh), I'd bite your head off =.="
24. Is it easier for you to
fall asleep or to be woken up?
- Hah. Sleep, of course =P
25. Have you ever had breakfast in
- Yea, when I was down with the chicken pox
26. Who's the cutest friend you know?
- Friend
27.Think of one person, stick with it.
What do you
plan of doing with him/her?
- Haha, discussing my stories =P
28. Has your bestfriend ever hurt you
29. Seriously. Do you know how to
- Only lame dances (like the national Perlis dance) & swaying
30. Do you think its funny when people
get hurt?
- Only when they're not acting stupid
yourself recently?
- Kaer - Izin Ku Pergi
2.What do you currently want right now?
- The last 2 books of Hot Gimmick!!
3. What did you do today?
- Went marathon crazy (Star Wars Marathon & the Spongebobathon)
4. Are you hungry? What would you like?
- I don't know!!! I crave... A MEAL
5.What have you been thinking about
most today?
- How could Anakin turn into a MOUTH BREATHER??!!?!
6. Do you ever just sit outside and
watch the stars?
- Through the car windows. Venus was the only shining thing & it was so... Beautiful
7. Do you do a lot of surveys? Why?
- Well, gee. The holidays' law clearly state that we're not suppoed to do anything productive
8. What is your current annoyance?
- My stomach =.="
9. Do you want a new cell phone?
- Yup
10.Are you waiting for someone right
- To call me
11. What time are you going to bed?
- Depends
12. Name one thing you're looking
forward to this week?
- Nothing
13. Are you planning on visiting some
old friends?
- Nope
14. Can you make new friends easily?
- Not really =S
15. What would you do if your best
friend turned gay?
- Well, if that's what said person wants...
16. Do you plan out what you
wear the day before you wear it?
- If it's special occasions, then yea
17. Has anyone ever told
you "You dropped your pocket", and you
looked down looking for it?
- Haha, I should remember that =P
18. What is music to you?
- Without it, world's already black&white
19. What do you think of the person whom
you are
with now?
- No one's here
20. If you had a chance to save
someone significant to you, would you?
[even if its the same result that,
they'll forget you]
- Sure. I just wanna know how things'd be if I'd done it
21. How many times do you eat each
- Does this include the snackage?
22. How do you cheer someone up?
- Goofy faces first, young padawan =)
23. Are you a morning person?
- Well, I'm more of an evening person. I mean, if you woke me up for jogging (ngh), I'd bite your head off =.="
24. Is it easier for you to
fall asleep or to be woken up?
- Hah. Sleep, of course =P
25. Have you ever had breakfast in
- Yea, when I was down with the chicken pox
26. Who's the cutest friend you know?
- Friend
27.Think of one person, stick with it.
What do you
plan of doing with him/her?
- Haha, discussing my stories =P
28. Has your bestfriend ever hurt you
29. Seriously. Do you know how to
- Only lame dances (like the national Perlis dance) & swaying
30. Do you think its funny when people
get hurt?
- Only when they're not acting stupid
Hiding all my hopes & dreams away
1. Your ex and You:
- You have got to be kidding me
2. I am listening to:
- some clique of teens having fun down at level 6
3. Maybe I should:
- raid the fridge
4. I love:
- the late-nights up & the Star Wars marathon!
5. My best friend/s:
- are one of a kind =)
6. I don’t understand:
- patience
7. I've nO respect for:
- druggies
8. I last ate:
- um, Milo powder =P
9. The meaning of my display name is:
- 'Secrets are kept'
10. God:
- is watching
11. Someday:
- I shall finish one of my series
12. I will always be:
- inspired with the true love deal
13. Love seems to:
- be absent
14. I never ever want to lose:
- my dignity
15. My myspace is:
- expired =P
16. I get annoyed when:
- people annoy me
17. Parties:
- wake you up
18. Simple Kisses:
- are simple pleasures
19. Today I:
- finished a packet of Mark&Spencers' chocolate biscuits
20. I wish:
- I had more
01. is your hair wet?:
- Nope
02. is your cell phone right by you?:
- It's on my bed
04. are you wearing chap stick?:
- Lipbalm, dahhling. Lip balm
05. are you tired?:
- Sleepy
06. are you wearing pajamas?:
- Sundress =P
07. are you mad?:
- Define 'mad'
08. are you upset?:
- My stomach is =.="
01. recently done anything you regret?:
- Something embarrassing, maybe
02. ever lied?:
- We're human
03. ever stuck gum under a desk?:
- No!
04. ever kicked someone?:
- Yup
05. ever tripped over your own feet?:
- & lowering my dignity =.="
01. cursed?:
- Nope
02. have you gotten mad at someone?:
- Yea - stupid jogging
Q: is there a person who is on your
mind right now?:
- Not really
Q: do you have any siblings?:
- Only child
Q: do you want children?:
- Sure, later
Q: do you smile often?:
- Yup
Q: do you untie your shoes every time
you take them off?:
- Nope
Q: do you like your handwriting?
- Yup
Q: are your toenails painted?:
- Nope
Q: are you a friendly person?:
- Not outgoing, is all
Q: what were you doing at 7pm?
- Ummm... Finishing some spaghetti off?
- You have got to be kidding me
2. I am listening to:
- some clique of teens having fun down at level 6
3. Maybe I should:
- raid the fridge
4. I love:
- the late-nights up & the Star Wars marathon!
5. My best friend/s:
- are one of a kind =)
6. I don’t understand:
- patience
7. I've nO respect for:
- druggies
8. I last ate:
- um, Milo powder =P
9. The meaning of my display name is:
- 'Secrets are kept'
10. God:
- is watching
11. Someday:
- I shall finish one of my series
12. I will always be:
- inspired with the true love deal
13. Love seems to:
- be absent
14. I never ever want to lose:
- my dignity
15. My myspace is:
- expired =P
16. I get annoyed when:
- people annoy me
17. Parties:
- wake you up
18. Simple Kisses:
- are simple pleasures
19. Today I:
- finished a packet of Mark&Spencers' chocolate biscuits
20. I wish:
- I had more
01. is your hair wet?:
- Nope
02. is your cell phone right by you?:
- It's on my bed
04. are you wearing chap stick?:
- Lipbalm, dahhling. Lip balm
05. are you tired?:
- Sleepy
06. are you wearing pajamas?:
- Sundress =P
07. are you mad?:
- Define 'mad'
08. are you upset?:
- My stomach is =.="
01. recently done anything you regret?:
- Something embarrassing, maybe
02. ever lied?:
- We're human
03. ever stuck gum under a desk?:
- No!
04. ever kicked someone?:
- Yup
05. ever tripped over your own feet?:
- & lowering my dignity =.="
01. cursed?:
- Nope
02. have you gotten mad at someone?:
- Yea - stupid jogging
Q: is there a person who is on your
mind right now?:
- Not really
Q: do you have any siblings?:
- Only child
Q: do you want children?:
- Sure, later
Q: do you smile often?:
- Yup
Q: do you untie your shoes every time
you take them off?:
- Nope
Q: do you like your handwriting?
- Yup
Q: are your toenails painted?:
- Nope
Q: are you a friendly person?:
- Not outgoing, is all
Q: what were you doing at 7pm?
- Ummm... Finishing some spaghetti off?
Friday, 1 June 2007
Same ol'
Well, it seems that things are going - nearly - back to normal.
My typing speed is better (hehe) & I'm now listening to Josh Groban & taking a break from this obsessive manga series, Hot Gimmick.
I'm chatting to Guy CBA or either his brother, *Ollie - I don't know =.="
First he just went "I love Ollie" & then he types gibberish.
Haiz, looks like someone hired his little brother to annoy some innocent anti-social girl.
Well, this doesn't work on me! No little kid can make me coo, "Ahhh, so cute!" because, believe me, I am not all that child-friendly (yes, yes. It is ironic), according to my mom.
I'm well considering to change the title. I can't believe that I'm now stuck to manga & now, Teen Vogue.
I mean, seriously.
That's all for now.
Annyǒnghi kyeseyo!
My typing speed is better (hehe) & I'm now listening to Josh Groban & taking a break from this obsessive manga series, Hot Gimmick.
I'm chatting to Guy CBA or either his brother, *Ollie - I don't know =.="
First he just went "I love Ollie" & then he types gibberish.
Haiz, looks like someone hired his little brother to annoy some innocent anti-social girl.
Well, this doesn't work on me! No little kid can make me coo, "Ahhh, so cute!" because, believe me, I am not all that child-friendly (yes, yes. It is ironic), according to my mom.
I'm well considering to change the title. I can't believe that I'm now stuck to manga & now, Teen Vogue.
I mean, seriously.
That's all for now.
Annyǒnghi kyeseyo!
Anti-socialness strikes again
Seriously. I mean, bcoz of anti-socialness, I am so not active in my extra-corricular activities.
I know that's a pretty lame excuse but it's the truest one.
The only witness for my verdict here is Brian but um, he doesn't know he witnessed anything.
I have it in proof - in my SNP. See, I was supposed to join handball but I kept boffing off the practises bcoz there were only like these form 2, 3, 4... In other words, the social ones.
I, as you may know, am truly not a social person.
I'm a SHY person. Shy people aren't all that outgoing.
Hence, shy.
So anywayz, tomorrow is my first-ever Wicked practise. & I was bouncing up & down, bcoz u know I finally get to o something during the hols, see?
But then I stopped hop-hoppity-hop after Brandon, Marleena & Amanda telling me that they're not going bcoz of something Lavinia said (only form 4 & 5). I mean, seriously.
Do you know there are no non-Cempakans (F1) there?? I'm like the only one!
Let alone the ONLY form 1 there!
& anti-socialness strikes again.
My insides are feeling all squirmish at the mere thought that I'm left outside the form 4&5 circle.
I know that's a pretty lame excuse but it's the truest one.
The only witness for my verdict here is Brian but um, he doesn't know he witnessed anything.
I have it in proof - in my SNP. See, I was supposed to join handball but I kept boffing off the practises bcoz there were only like these form 2, 3, 4... In other words, the social ones.
I, as you may know, am truly not a social person.
I'm a SHY person. Shy people aren't all that outgoing.
Hence, shy.
So anywayz, tomorrow is my first-ever Wicked practise. & I was bouncing up & down, bcoz u know I finally get to o something during the hols, see?
But then I stopped hop-hoppity-hop after Brandon, Marleena & Amanda telling me that they're not going bcoz of something Lavinia said (only form 4 & 5). I mean, seriously.
Do you know there are no non-Cempakans (F1) there?? I'm like the only one!
Let alone the ONLY form 1 there!
& anti-socialness strikes again.
My insides are feeling all squirmish at the mere thought that I'm left outside the form 4&5 circle.
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