(sniff) Such lucky people with such bliss - getting holed up in their rooms with their Macs & internet whereas (Sabrinni &) I must attend to the Creative Writer's workshop.
Yes, that's right. I went to an English workshop.
It's kinda growing on me. Even though this is the 2nd last day so...
Oh well.
I want to talk about something but I can't think of anything.
Oh, I know!
Just now, Sabrinni & I were at MPH & I saw my old friends - Mikhail, Amshad & their mom, A. Madu.
& I just went berserk!
I mean, I only recognized them because of their mom. They look so different now!
Mikhail, for one, is tall (he used to be shorter than me).
Now he's... He's... An inch taller!
& Amshad! Wah, he grew.
I'm not upset that he couldn't remember me. He was a really small kid back then.
But... Wow. They both grew! & changed so much!
(Yes, you can tell cr-a-zy by all the repetitive use of "!")
But I can't help it. They just grew up so much!
I mean, I know everyone grows but... Still.
Now I'm just lepak-ing around the ol' house in Sentral, waiting for my parents...
The school holidays isn't boring.
Or I may be saying that just because I've got something to do =P
I think hats are my calling. Hats are nice.
Have a bad hair day? Put on a hat (or beanie!)
Hmmph. & you say I've got no style.
They're making a movie of Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears A Who!
I love Dr. Seuss. He's on my list of greatest writers.
But why did they have to put Jim Carrey as the voice of Horton, the Elephant?
I mean, no offense & all. He's a good comedian, I guess.
But it just doesn't... Suit, is all.

I miss the wacky.
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