I don't talk like that - don't worry. Hopefully I won't change talking like that.
Anyway, I just wanna apologize for not blogging a lot. Was overwhelmed by the amount of homework & tests.
(FACT! Did you know that you can procrastinate faster when you put a huge pile of your homework books inside a cupboard which is under the desk you are using right now?)
So, as an apology treat, I shall present my dear friend, Phyllis' script which she wrote for her Theater class.
Scene 1
Narrator: Long ago, when bunnies & puppies roamed the Earth freely without a care, & people told stories about cute little kittens & unicorns, Mother Goose was the mayor of Nursery Town & her apprentice was Little Boy Blue. Everything was perfectly fine until this evil evil came that troubled Nursery town like it had never been troubled before.
Mother Goose: O golly gosh, when will this evil reign of terror end?!
Narrator: Now, not long ago, the Zombie King, you know the one you see in horror movies & stuff? Well, yeah that guy came to nursery town & is turning every lame nursery characters into cardboard cut-outs. & on top of that, he’s storing them into cupboards that smell like rotten Brussels sprouts.
Zombie King: I will never stop turning Nursery characters into cardboard until every child is rid of those lame stories! & besides, I also like the collection I’ve got already.
Chorus: Shock, horror!
Narrator: Now Humpty Dumpty was the guard of Nursery Town & all he had to do was sit on a wall & watch out for anything that looked suspicious. This was an extremely difficult job for Humpty Dumpty, seeing he was an egg that couldn’t sit on a wall because of his curvy figure.
Humpty Dumpty: O to the M to the G, I see something suspicious, looks like some sort of… Zombie King.
(That's why I used that as a title, see? It's too funny for words!)
Humpty Dumpty: I must go & warn Mother Goose but how will I be able to get off this brick wall without cracking my shell?
Chorus: What will he do?
Little Boy Blue: I know what you can do!
Chorus: What?
Little Boy Blue: I can tell Mother Goose about this suspicious seeing & you can stay on the wall.
Humpty Dumpty: But wait!!
Scene 2
Little Boy Blue: Mother Goose, Mother Goose! There’s been a sighting of the Zombie King. He’s heading towards Goldy Locks & the Three Bears. What should we do? In a matter of time, she & the bears will all be turned into cardboard cut-outs… I must save Goldy… (winks to the audience)
Mother Goose: Now, now… Little Boy Blue…What will we do?
Chorus: What will they DO?
Mother Goose: Go & get the toy soldiers & get an army together. We have to save Nursery Land. Just imagine what it would be like without fairy tale stories!
(cut to Zombie King)
Zombie King: Excellent! Just imagine a world without those annoying nursery rhymes. Those ridiculous nursery characters… I can’t wait to get rid of them all.
Zombie King’s Minion 1: Yes, the look on their cardboard faces.
Zombie King: Silence! I didn’t tell you to add in a smart ass comment.
Scene 3
Toy Soldier1: Left right left right right right left right... I don’t know what I’ve been told (silence)
Toy Soldier 2: Man, you stuffed it up! Sorry guys, I can’t stay. I’ll come back as soon as possible. (leaves to go change to minion)
Toy Soldier1: Yes, I must also leave & ummmmm... Go brush my teeth. (get’s changed into Humpty Dumpty)
Little Boy Blue: Man, you toys suck! Now I have to save Goldy locks on my own before she is DOOMED!!!!
(cut to Goldy Locks)
Goldy Locks: This soup is too cold, this soup is too hot, this soup is just-(cut off by Zombie King)
Zombie King: Not another word, Goldy!
Chorus: Shock, horror!!!
Zombie King: Your nursery story is too lameeeeee… Why do you have to be so lame? It’s not cool to be lame!!!
Minion 2: Get to the point.
Zombie King: Oh, oh, yes! The reason why we’re here. The reason why I’m here, I’m here to turn you into a cardboard cut-(cut off by Little Boy Blue)
Little Boy Blue: Not so fast, Zombie King! You’re not gonna get my Goldy Locks.
Chorus: Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo…
Little Boy Blue: I’ve got toy soldiers!
Zombie King: Fine. This isn’t the last you’ve seen of me.
Scene 4
Humpty Dumpty: Damn, I’m still on this wall.
Scene 5
Goldy Locks: Thank you so much, Little Boy Blue, but I must get back to my nursery rhyme before the Three Bears get back.
Little Boy Blue: B-b-b-b-but-(cut off by Goldy locks)
Goldy Locks: No buts. (chorus show their butts)
(Cut to Zombie King)
Narrator: Zombie King wasn’t happy when his plans turned out to be a complete failure… I mean, COMPLETE failure… I mean, who does that Little Boy Blue guy think he is? Marching around with his head held high… I mean, he’s only Mother Goose’s apprentice. HE DOESN’T EVEN HAVE THE AUTHORITY. Well, I’m sure that the Zombie King will get him back somehow.
Zombie King: And 1 and 2 and 3 and 4... (2 of his minions doing the Thriller Dance)
Zombie King: No, no, no!
Minion 2: Ermm, sir, with all due respect, aren’t we suppose to be figuring out how to get back at that Little Boy Blue?
Jack Corner: I can help.
Chorus: Go sit in you corner!
Jack Corner: That is just so fetch.
Narrator: I thought you were supposed to be a good guy? Well anyway, back to the menacing mind of the Zombie King, who knows what evil things he’s planning?
Zombie King: Okay… Here’s what we’ll do: we’ll add a lame character to Little Boy Blue’s nursery rhyme hence making his nursery story LAME! Buahahahaahahaha...
Zombie King: Jack Corner... We’ve made use for you. You're going to help us get rid of Little Boy Blue… Buahahahahahahaahaa
Jack Corner: O goodie, I’ve been waiting to get back at that Little Boy Blue after he made a complete laughing stock of my nursery rhyme.
Zombie King: Yes, yes, good for you. Now on with the plan! (Whispers quietly to Jack Corner & Minions in a huddle)
Minion 1: It’s excellent!
Minion 2: It’s diabolic!
(Everyone looks at Jack Corner)
Jack Corner: ... Wow. (in a very bored tone)
Scene 6
Mother Goose: I wonder what they’re planning.
Little Boy Blue: Yes, me too.
Goldy Locks: Me three.
Mother Goose: Why are you here?
Little Boy Blue: She’s with me.
Goldy Locks: We’re a happening couple. (hugs Little Boy Blue)
Toy Soldier 1: Mother Goose, Mother Goose! Zombie King & one of his minions are coming with another person who kind of looks like Jack Corner from far away.
Little Boy Blue: Buahahahahahahahahaahahaha, I remember when I made a complete laughing stock of his nursery rhyme! That was gold. Back to the point, Goldy Locks, you must get out of here, don’t... ( Goldy Locks leaves to get changed into Jack Corner) ... worry about me, darling.
Mother Goose: Okay, let’s cut the crap & get down to brass tacks here. Does any one have a plan?
Humpty Dumpty: I have a plan.
Little Boy Blue: How’d you get of the wall?
Humpty Dumpty: I fell off… Yeah… How you like them apples? Oh, & the King’s horses & men put me together finally, even though it took like a squillion hours. So anyway, here’s the plan. We make up a whole heap of lame nursery rhymes about him so it will over flow his brain which will then hopefully explode.
Scene 7 (Final scene)
Zombie King: Okay, Jack, take your crack. I mean… Just get on with it.
Jack Corner: Little Boy Blue, come blow your horn. The sheep's in the meadow, the cow's in the corn. Where is the boy that looks after the sheep? "He's under the haycock, fast asleep." Will you wake him? "No, not I; For if I do, he'll be sure to cry."
Zombie King: Man, that was so lame. Thank you, man.
Little Boy Blue: What’s this feeling that I am unfortunately feeling? It feels as though I am turning into cardboard!
Mother Goose: Hurry, Humpty!
Humpty Dumpty: Okay. There once was a zombie who looked like you don’t want to know what and ate you don’t want to know what he just ate. He was lame & all he could do was plunder himself & others in his lameness-( interrupted by Zombie King)
Zombie King: I can’t take it anymore. I must get out of here. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!
Jack Corner: Wait for me!!
Mother Goose: Wow, that was easier then expected. Well, Humpty Dumpty, want to come back to my place for some ummmmmmm… Celebration?
Humpty Dumpty: Don’t mind if I do.
Narrator: Now that the Zombie King was gone, everything was back to the way it was supposed to be in Nursery Town: people telling stories about cute little kittens & unicorns getting pulverized… I mean... Getting cuddles & kisses & puppies jumping about, wiping their butts in people’s faces... Everything was just fine. But whatever became of the Zombie King?
(Cut to Zombie King)
Zombie King: This is all your fault! If it wasn’t for you three. I would be ruler of Nursery Town now. Well, there’s always next time.
Narrator: Everyone lived happily ever after - well, except for Little Boy Blue because Goldy Locks cheated on him with Zombie King, which made Zombie King feel proud. They had little zombie babies with golden locks. Oh, & Mother Goose married Humpty Dumpty & they had little ducklings that grew up into little eggs. Well, I think this is the end of this story, I guess. Because it had nursery characters, it’s a nursery story. I say, this is the first not-lame nursery story I’ve ever heard! That’s because I’ve only heard of one, which is this one. In conclusion, it was cool & everyone lived happily ever after - well, almost everyone.
The end.
Good evening
Definitely gonna recommend this post to a few friends
Good evening
Thanks for writing this blog, loved reading it
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