Huh. The title sounds like some country song, repeating over & over until you'd get so fed up about it & throw it out in the trash.
I'm so INCANDASCENT & I don't even know WHY - is it because I've just realised that I've got no one to lean on anymore? I know you're going to challenge me & try & point out smeone but no, they're not the one. Read on for the elaboration.
My parents are worried that Rina & I've stopped becoming friends. I mean, normally, I'd say it's okay. Nothing's happening. She's hanging out with her people & I'm hanging out with mine.
But now? I can't say a word to protest.
Okay, lets list down my rantings, shall we?
1. Minah - Drifted. I'm sorry, I know you're one of thosepeople who reads my blog to check up on me every once in a while but admit it, we've drifted. I know I'm being a damned coward not to say this to your face so I'm just exploding bcoz I've been holding it in. We've drifted but you still got Lauren, Brian, Brandon, etc.
2. Brian - Pffft. Like I said, he's got Minah, which is fine. Handy-dandy. A little awkward but handy-dandy. The only thing is... He's changed. I mean, people've noticed. He hasn't laughed at Roy's dopey moves anymore nor has he joined in on one of Xela's weird jokes - instead he just glares & says, "Shut up." - which I guess is good & I shouldn't be complaining.
But it's scary.
3. Aley - yea, she's all I've got now but if you've read the previous posts... You'd understand my doubt over the stability on this whole thing before it blows out of poportion.
4. Rina - Like I said, we've drifted. She's still got barney (hehe), Lauren...
--- OPTIONAL ----
5. Guy P - Haha. Since when can I lean on him? Aley's patrol.
Me? Nada. Nothing. Zero. Zip.
The people I talk to are just those who I see everyday - they're not the ones who I'd like to have inside jokes with or pass grins when we pass each other.
& it just kills me because this thing happened EXACTLY last year & the year before - Xela, SM... All of them. This happened again when I vowed not to.
1 comment:
first of all
a) Bitch, you'll always have me lah. JUST TELL ME STUFF. Thing is, you write everything down, and you never TELL ME ANYTHING.
b) Du-uude Brian and me?
NOTHING going on.
You could come up to me,
start crying and wet my nicest clothes, and I wouldn't care.
Because, I'll still be here, a shoulder to lean on.
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