Dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum. The real day of Sports was today.
All the Tigers BD were sweltering in those stupid bottle-cap sweaters under the excruciatingly HOT sun - the indignation of it all.
When our FINAL March of the Tigers, year 07 ended, we just tried to hide under all those parents' umbrella shades =P
Unfortunately, the parents kept moving to their kids.
My dear diplomat left me, leaving me to the clutches of the Tiger Guys. We were all fidgeting around, an attempt to cool ourselves down (in VAIN).
We didn't know whether we were allowed to get outta our costumes or not. After 5 mins or so, I just announced that I'll take off that darn sweater anyway.
As I took it off, I was still fanning myself & the heat still wouldn't go away. & guess what? The Oy (check the title) suggested that I could take off my shirt too =.=
A message to the Buckety Butterfly : How in the WORLD could you handle that kind of remark??? Geesh! All guys' hormones are messed up, I swear.
Everyone followed & their reactions were the same as mine - still panting like dogs.
Then, Philip asked someone to hold his sweater. Wanna know WHY?
He wanted to take off his shirt.
Seriously. His brother is the CAPTAIN =.= What influence does that guy have around his siblings, I ask??
& then, I just gaped at him bcoz... That didnt't sound like PHILIP. That sounded more of...
Well, Brian.
& you know what that guy did next? He caught me gaping & he just said, "Ehi! Why're you looking?"
Since when've he become so the perasan??
Oh wait. Nvm.
Another incident which was highlighted:
I was standing next to this empty table, looking occupied with my blank staring-into-space when this old Chinese woman next to my table called me ("Eh, girl! Girl!")
She looked innocent - typical old lady look. Fading-coloured blouse, short white hair & wrinkles tugging at her face.
"Eh, girl! Girl! Go clean dis table ah!" she said to me & it took me a while to get the scenario sinking into my brain.
She thought I was a waitress. GEESH. I'd understand if I was wearing all black & white but I was wearing SPORTS attire. That's no waiter apparallel!
My dad couldn't stop laughing, my mom couldn't stop getting offended on my behalf - me, a waitress. Hmmph!
But STILL. I am NO waitress!
I never did like that woman anyway =.=
Sunday, 29 April 2007
Wednesday, 25 April 2007
Confused, again & again

Huh. The title sounds like some country song, repeating over & over until you'd get so fed up about it & throw it out in the trash.
I'm so INCANDASCENT & I don't even know WHY - is it because I've just realised that I've got no one to lean on anymore? I know you're going to challenge me & try & point out smeone but no, they're not the one. Read on for the elaboration.
My parents are worried that Rina & I've stopped becoming friends. I mean, normally, I'd say it's okay. Nothing's happening. She's hanging out with her people & I'm hanging out with mine.
But now? I can't say a word to protest.
Okay, lets list down my rantings, shall we?
1. Minah - Drifted. I'm sorry, I know you're one of thosepeople who reads my blog to check up on me every once in a while but admit it, we've drifted. I know I'm being a damned coward not to say this to your face so I'm just exploding bcoz I've been holding it in. We've drifted but you still got Lauren, Brian, Brandon, etc.
2. Brian - Pffft. Like I said, he's got Minah, which is fine. Handy-dandy. A little awkward but handy-dandy. The only thing is... He's changed. I mean, people've noticed. He hasn't laughed at Roy's dopey moves anymore nor has he joined in on one of Xela's weird jokes - instead he just glares & says, "Shut up." - which I guess is good & I shouldn't be complaining.
But it's scary.
3. Aley - yea, she's all I've got now but if you've read the previous posts... You'd understand my doubt over the stability on this whole thing before it blows out of poportion.
4. Rina - Like I said, we've drifted. She's still got barney (hehe), Lauren...
--- OPTIONAL ----
5. Guy P - Haha. Since when can I lean on him? Aley's patrol.
Me? Nada. Nothing. Zero. Zip.
The people I talk to are just those who I see everyday - they're not the ones who I'd like to have inside jokes with or pass grins when we pass each other.
& it just kills me because this thing happened EXACTLY last year & the year before - Xela, SM... All of them. This happened again when I vowed not to.
A message before above
I am so irate bcoz I've written this entirely LONG post about the matter above - & guess what? It just POPPED away - my Safari just jammed.
I'm sorry to all Blogger admins out there but can I just say that Apple hates Blogger? Sorry.
I'm sorry to all Blogger admins out there but can I just say that Apple hates Blogger? Sorry.
Sunday, 22 April 2007
You li-ike?
Okay, I hope you like this song! I found it on the internet (lie, lie, lie - it's a song from an Upcoming Movie Soundtrack -hint hint).
Be free to rate it!! Truly encouraged =)
Been thinking
Pfft. That's what I always do whenever I Balik Kampugn. Thinking.
Anywayz, I was dead bored so I watched this Lizzie McGuire re-run - can I have this moment to say that I can't believe that used to be Hilary Duff?! I mean, have you seen her latest album?? She looks like an... Adult.
It was the one where Gordo had a girlfriend & Lizzie & Miranda were afraid that he would stop hanging out with 'em so they spied on his date with his girlfriend.
So in the end, Gordo broke up with said girlfriend bcoz he said that maybe he liked the idea of having a girlfriend than actually having one.
Seriously. That got me thinking.
Am I like that? Is that why I'm such a HR & yet, at the same time, a Cynical Single?
Huh. Maybe I do prefer the idea of having a boyfriend instead of REALLY having one.
Ah... It boggles the mind. Very upsetting as it is nearly past my bedtime (stop laughing. I can't believe I wrote that).
Another song to upload :
Anywayz, I was dead bored so I watched this Lizzie McGuire re-run - can I have this moment to say that I can't believe that used to be Hilary Duff?! I mean, have you seen her latest album?? She looks like an... Adult.
It was the one where Gordo had a girlfriend & Lizzie & Miranda were afraid that he would stop hanging out with 'em so they spied on his date with his girlfriend.
So in the end, Gordo broke up with said girlfriend bcoz he said that maybe he liked the idea of having a girlfriend than actually having one.
Seriously. That got me thinking.
Am I like that? Is that why I'm such a HR & yet, at the same time, a Cynical Single?
Huh. Maybe I do prefer the idea of having a boyfriend instead of REALLY having one.
Ah... It boggles the mind. Very upsetting as it is nearly past my bedtime (stop laughing. I can't believe I wrote that).
Another song to upload :
Tuesday, 17 April 2007
My disturbing hair band & secrets
Roy actually asked whether my hair band was a thong. Seriously.
I mean, I should know that the squirt couldn't be underestimated but THIS.
Sheesh. I'd better tell my mom to lay off the lace for my hair accessories tomorrow.
Anywayz, Aley was parading around after realising that it does resemble as... A kind of women's lingerie. So she put it in front of numerous of guys' faces & they all just gaped at it.
Most unforgettable reaction was Guy P's. Aley marched right up to him with the hair tie in her hand & dangled it in front of him & inquired whether he knew what it looked like.
Because he was being polite - & that he knew it was mine, he just shook his head but the red was creeping up to his ears.
Oh God. Well, Guiness World Record Book. Here's the most embarrassing thing ever happened - not embarrassing enough bcoz they didn't know it was mine, exactly.
But still.
When I was 7 - okay, 6, when I was around the age, I thought that secrets were the wonderful kind. You know, the tooth fairy creeping up in our bedrooms to put money under our pillow in exchange of our cavity-filled teeth.
Fairies living in our rooms to see the excitement of ours when we receive anonymous fairy cakes.
The Enid Blyton kind.
It was up until I had realised that it wasn't true when I had my first best friend - mid-7 years old.
Rina told me a secret & up till now, I still haven't told anyone.
After school, I hung around. You know, waiting for my mom.
Lavinia was stuck with me so we went around swapping our secrets.
I've discovered so many of 'em that involves.. Guy ABC.
& it's so weird after knowing all of this bcoz it just makes me feel... I don't know, that I've never really knew him or something?
I hate it when that happens. I am not the kind who acts calm & collected when there's this big celeb sitting right next to you, making small talk.
I am the kind who'd silently scream inwardly, wondering whether the previous lunch had leave any unwanted smells in my breath or something when I should've been listening to the small talk.
So it's the same thing if I knew anyone liked me. Flattered, I'd be. But freaked out, yea.
I'd definitely analyze every excruciating detail on how they'd act, what's the difference, why's it so big, why's it a secret.
I guess that's why I'm sorta repellant =P Haha
I wish that I'd stop being like that - acting all different to those who "likes like" me & act CALM & COLLECTED.
It is no wonder why I can never make small talk.
I mean, I should know that the squirt couldn't be underestimated but THIS.
Sheesh. I'd better tell my mom to lay off the lace for my hair accessories tomorrow.
Anywayz, Aley was parading around after realising that it does resemble as... A kind of women's lingerie. So she put it in front of numerous of guys' faces & they all just gaped at it.
Most unforgettable reaction was Guy P's. Aley marched right up to him with the hair tie in her hand & dangled it in front of him & inquired whether he knew what it looked like.
Because he was being polite - & that he knew it was mine, he just shook his head but the red was creeping up to his ears.
Oh God. Well, Guiness World Record Book. Here's the most embarrassing thing ever happened - not embarrassing enough bcoz they didn't know it was mine, exactly.
But still.
When I was 7 - okay, 6, when I was around the age, I thought that secrets were the wonderful kind. You know, the tooth fairy creeping up in our bedrooms to put money under our pillow in exchange of our cavity-filled teeth.
Fairies living in our rooms to see the excitement of ours when we receive anonymous fairy cakes.
The Enid Blyton kind.
It was up until I had realised that it wasn't true when I had my first best friend - mid-7 years old.
Rina told me a secret & up till now, I still haven't told anyone.
After school, I hung around. You know, waiting for my mom.
Lavinia was stuck with me so we went around swapping our secrets.
I've discovered so many of 'em that involves.. Guy ABC.
& it's so weird after knowing all of this bcoz it just makes me feel... I don't know, that I've never really knew him or something?
I hate it when that happens. I am not the kind who acts calm & collected when there's this big celeb sitting right next to you, making small talk.
I am the kind who'd silently scream inwardly, wondering whether the previous lunch had leave any unwanted smells in my breath or something when I should've been listening to the small talk.
So it's the same thing if I knew anyone liked me. Flattered, I'd be. But freaked out, yea.
I'd definitely analyze every excruciating detail on how they'd act, what's the difference, why's it so big, why's it a secret.
I guess that's why I'm sorta repellant =P Haha
I wish that I'd stop being like that - acting all different to those who "likes like" me & act CALM & COLLECTED.
It is no wonder why I can never make small talk.
Thursday, 12 April 2007
Probational hair
My mom put my hair on probation.
She just said that if she ever saw my hair in the usual big puff of a mess, she's just gonna snip it all off - CROP-HAIRED STYLE.
Crop-haired, I tell you! The indignity, the pain, the agony...
[sniff] The hair!
Now my head doesn't even have its rights. I'm thinking of having a strike - what kind of strike, I don't know.
Hmm... Maybe I'd tie my hair in a ponytail for a month - althouh I think that's what my mom wants me to do =.=
Some dillemma.
Latest jingle stuck in the head? McFly's song - Sorry's Not Good Enough thanks to Mr. Yap who recommended it.
Now I'm determined to collect all of McFly's albums!
Until I move into Cjaya, of course. I think that's 2 months away...
Man, I'm gonna miss it here.
Anywayz, the song's about this guy who broke up with his girlfriend - she dumped him.
I can't stop, I can't stop loving you.
You're a dreamer and dreaming's what you do,
I won't stop believing that this is the end, there must be another way.
Cos I couldn't handle the thought of you going away, yeah
Hmm... Okay, the guy & girl came from different worlds - dead drop different backgrounds. The girl's thinking of giving up but the guy won't because... Well, he's too in love with her.
Sorry's not good enough, why are we breaking up?
Cos I didn't treat you rough so please don't go changing.
What was I thinking of?
You said you're out of love, baby don't call this off because sorry's not good enough.
The dude demands an explaination. He doesn't know what's gone wrong bcoz he knows that he didn't do anything wrong. The girl just stopped loving him but the dude hasn't.
Don't stop, all those things you do.
I'm a believer and that's what gets you through,
I can't fight this feeling that this is the end,
We're in the thick of it, where will this ever end?
He really tries hard to convince the girl to give him another chance. He just knows it'd work & that they'd gone too far to stop.
Oh, you said you'd never leave me here, yeah a whole new reson.
Sorry's just not good enough for you,
Everybody makes mistakes and that's just what we do.
The guy reminds her that she promised him that she'd always love him, no matter what. & the breaking up? Is just a mistake.
Man! This is good stuff for VVSSS!
She just said that if she ever saw my hair in the usual big puff of a mess, she's just gonna snip it all off - CROP-HAIRED STYLE.
Crop-haired, I tell you! The indignity, the pain, the agony...
[sniff] The hair!
Now my head doesn't even have its rights. I'm thinking of having a strike - what kind of strike, I don't know.
Hmm... Maybe I'd tie my hair in a ponytail for a month - althouh I think that's what my mom wants me to do =.=
Some dillemma.
Latest jingle stuck in the head? McFly's song - Sorry's Not Good Enough thanks to Mr. Yap who recommended it.
Now I'm determined to collect all of McFly's albums!
Until I move into Cjaya, of course. I think that's 2 months away...
Man, I'm gonna miss it here.
Anywayz, the song's about this guy who broke up with his girlfriend - she dumped him.
I can't stop, I can't stop loving you.
You're a dreamer and dreaming's what you do,
I won't stop believing that this is the end, there must be another way.
Cos I couldn't handle the thought of you going away, yeah
Hmm... Okay, the guy & girl came from different worlds - dead drop different backgrounds. The girl's thinking of giving up but the guy won't because... Well, he's too in love with her.
Sorry's not good enough, why are we breaking up?
Cos I didn't treat you rough so please don't go changing.
What was I thinking of?
You said you're out of love, baby don't call this off because sorry's not good enough.
The dude demands an explaination. He doesn't know what's gone wrong bcoz he knows that he didn't do anything wrong. The girl just stopped loving him but the dude hasn't.
Don't stop, all those things you do.
I'm a believer and that's what gets you through,
I can't fight this feeling that this is the end,
We're in the thick of it, where will this ever end?
He really tries hard to convince the girl to give him another chance. He just knows it'd work & that they'd gone too far to stop.
Oh, you said you'd never leave me here, yeah a whole new reson.
Sorry's just not good enough for you,
Everybody makes mistakes and that's just what we do.
The guy reminds her that she promised him that she'd always love him, no matter what. & the breaking up? Is just a mistake.
Man! This is good stuff for VVSSS!
Tuesday, 10 April 2007
Teardrops On My Guitar
The world's greatest song EVER - yet it is still not blasting on the car's speakers. Very frustrating.
Anywayz... You're probably wondering what the song is about & why I'm going on & on about it.
Heyy, it's like I'm having my very own Lit class or something =P
So... The song's about this girl who's best friend is Drew. He loves another girl & secretly, his best friend loves him.
(Woah... Why does this scenario sound so familiar?)
Finally, the girl just wishes the couple all the best & let him go - but she still loves him & accepts the pain that she's going through to ensure Drew's happiness.
Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see
That I want and I'm needing everything that we should be
I'll bet she's beautiful, that girl he talks about
And she's got everything that I have to live without
Drew talks to me, I laugh cause it's so damn funny
That I can't even see anyone when he's with me
He says he's so in love, he's finally got it right,
I wonder if he knows he's all I think about at night
He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do
Drew walks by me, can he tell that I can't breathe?
And there he goes, so perfectly,
The kind of flawless I wish I could be
She'd better hold him tight, give him all her love
Look in those beautiful eyes and know she's lucky cause
[Repeat Chorus]
So I drive home alone, as I turn out the light
I'll put his picture down and maybe
Get some sleep tonight
He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only one who's got enough of me to break my heart
He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do
He's the time taken up, but there's never enough
And he's all that I need to fall into..
Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see.

- This is a special post for those who feels that way -
Think of it as a Special Belated Valentine's gift to those wo read it =)
Anywayz... You're probably wondering what the song is about & why I'm going on & on about it.
Heyy, it's like I'm having my very own Lit class or something =P
So... The song's about this girl who's best friend is Drew. He loves another girl & secretly, his best friend loves him.
(Woah... Why does this scenario sound so familiar?)
Finally, the girl just wishes the couple all the best & let him go - but she still loves him & accepts the pain that she's going through to ensure Drew's happiness.
Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see
That I want and I'm needing everything that we should be
I'll bet she's beautiful, that girl he talks about
And she's got everything that I have to live without
Drew talks to me, I laugh cause it's so damn funny
That I can't even see anyone when he's with me
He says he's so in love, he's finally got it right,
I wonder if he knows he's all I think about at night
He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do
Drew walks by me, can he tell that I can't breathe?
And there he goes, so perfectly,
The kind of flawless I wish I could be
She'd better hold him tight, give him all her love
Look in those beautiful eyes and know she's lucky cause
[Repeat Chorus]
So I drive home alone, as I turn out the light
I'll put his picture down and maybe
Get some sleep tonight
He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only one who's got enough of me to break my heart
He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do
He's the time taken up, but there's never enough
And he's all that I need to fall into..
Drew looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see.

- This is a special post for those who feels that way -
Think of it as a Special Belated Valentine's gift to those wo read it =)
Sunday, 1 April 2007
Apologies to any1 offended or deeply hurt by previous post. I dunno why but I can't delete that post bcoz for once in this year I actually get to let all that OUTTA me.
So yea.
Sorry again.
I've already talked to Aley about how it hurts when she smacked me on the face - bcoz she was "PMS"-ing really isn't any excuse but never mind.
So now I'm happy, satisfied.
Well, okay that's a lie. A pile of books are awaiting for me to finish their endless homeworks in it =.=
So yea.
Sorry again.
I've already talked to Aley about how it hurts when she smacked me on the face - bcoz she was "PMS"-ing really isn't any excuse but never mind.
So now I'm happy, satisfied.
Well, okay that's a lie. A pile of books are awaiting for me to finish their endless homeworks in it =.=
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